Geneva: Following the statement released by United Nation Human Right Council calling the Syria massacre is the example of “cruelty against humanity” U.N. human rights chief has called for an independent investigation.
It is remarkable that the statements comes close on the heels of last week's slaughter of dozens of civilians in the Syrian town of Houla, as activists on Friday reported the killing of at least 12 more civilians.
In a statement to the U.N. Human Right Council High Commissioner for Human Rights South African Navanethem Pillay has called for the Syrian government to provide full access to investigators to look into the killings, which could constitute crimes against humanity.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the U.N. action says to the Syrian people "the world stands by you, and we will not ignore your plight."
Notably, killings in Houla have sparked widespread outrage, with some leading diplomats calling for an international coalition to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power.